Sunday, October 11, 2009

Time flies by when...


Long time since my last post.

I have just come out of what I would call and endurance marathon of patience.

I am completely spent, stressed beyond what I have ever experienced.

Chasing passports, correct documentation for visa's, correct documentation for PR application to Canada, finding out that the adoption order was typed up incorrectly, three trips back to Cape Coast (because they refused to fix it the first two times), hours, hours, hours spent in taxi's, sweating with a headache, trying to find where the boys' original birth certificates got to (not part of the passport package -- but they were.... argghhhh!!), original birth certificates held hostage for 'cash'.

But alas, it has all come to and end. We have passports, and maybe an opportunity to get back into the Canadian Embassy within the next week or two to apply for Permanent Resident status for Danaa and Dawuni (currently called Charlie). Canadian Embassy... not Canada. Gotta prove I'm not a child trafficker, and deal with that endurance marathon before I get home!

My experience with the embassy here is, well, let's just get home before I write about that, shall I? My experience with my MP's office, and his staff there, is nothing short of prize winning. John Weston and his team rock! And they are doing anything they can to help me sort out this mess of paperwork. Ah, Canada, the world's greatest democracy!

Here are a whack of photos showing a bit more of the blissful days we have had here in Accra (now, if we could get one good night's sleep....)

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